These are what stores and shops in Victorian Era look liked.
A late-Victorian store interiors |
A store at Rowland Street, Westchester Square, The Bronx, New York City, 1900 |
A Victorian cigar store |
A Victorian dry goods store |
A Victorian dry goods store |
A Victorian store interiors |
Boots and shoes store in Victorian Era |
Crinoline shop, ca. 1880 |
Gadsby's original shop, Stratford, London, ca. late 1800s |
Grocery store storefront, ca. 1890s |
Hardware store sold weapons, Dodge city, 1872 |
In the Victorian hat shop |
Interior of Helmbold's drug store, New York City, ca. 1880s |
Late 1800s general store |
Shop in Macclesfield Street, Soho, London, 1883 |
Store and post office in the 1800s |
Stores in the 1800s |
Stores in the 1800s |
Stores, ca. 1890s |
The 'Great Five Cent' store in Utica, NY, 1879 |
The grocery store, USA, ca. late 1800s |
Vegetable store in the late 1800s |